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What We Do

Fire-Alert Edmonton can provide you with a knowledgeable and highly qualified solution to meet any of your specific needs. Fire-Alert Edmonton provides our customers with a full range of fire and safety services:



With our fully qualified staff, you can be assured that you are receiving only the best and most efficient services available.

Fire Extinguisher Recharge

According to the fire code, extinguishers need to be tested every year and recharged (refilled) every six years. Even if you have not used your extinguisher, it needs to be filled every six years. Hydro tested every 12 years. Fire-Alert offers on-site extinguisher inspections and refills for most makes and models.

Fire Extinguisher Inspection

Fire extinguishers should be maintained at regular intervals (at least once a year), or when specifically indicated by an inspection.A fire extinguisher inspection is intended to give maximum assurance that an extinguisher will operate effectively and safely. It includes a detailed examination and any necessary repairs, recharging or replacement.

Emergency Lighting

Perform annual test and inspection of emergency lighting and exit lighting devices, as per the Alberta Fire Code.

Emergency lighting shall be provided in:

  •  Exits

  •  Principal routes providing access to exit in an open floor area 

  •  Corridors used by the public 

  •  Underground walkways 

  •  Public corridors.



Semi-annual kitchen fire suppression system maintenance




Is your cylinder due for hydrostatic testing?


Fire Inspector Show up?


Need violations corrected? 




Based on the Alberta Fire Code only qualified persons shall install, test or perform maintenance on portable fire extinguishers. Qualified persons have acquired an approved certificate.

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